Duty Report

Form to be completed by the Duty Tutor or Night Duty Manager after each shift (prior to 9am the following day).

Duty Report
  1. Person Completing Duty
    Person Completing Duty
  2. Please comment on the state of the floors/common areas/Library (any particularly messy places) or if you saw anything out of the usual, asked anyone to keep it down, had to lock/close anything as you completed your rounds.
  3. Please list names and/or room number
  4. Please list names and/or room number
  5. List any major maintenance concerns you identified in common areas and also please complete a maintenance request
  6. Any calls to DT phone regarding noise, or you encountered anyone who you needed to have a stern word with regarding noise levels- particularly after 11pm (or anytime during SWOTVAC/Exams)
  7. Any concerning problematic behaviour from students- aggression, property damage, exhibiting serious dangerous behaviour etc
  8. Major Incident/Injury This is a required field.
    If 'Yes' please complete a separate Incident Report Form
    Major Incident/Injury This is a required field.
  9. Was the staff member on-call contacted? This is a required field.
    Was the staff member on-call contacted? This is a required field.
  10. ie: issues with the Duty Tutor phone or Lockbox etc.